Realization of energy saving potential by means of electric drive

The Problem of Energy Saving in Ukraine

Today, Ukraine demonstrates a high specific consumption of electricity per unit of gross product, which exceeds similar indicators in European countries. However, there is hope that the issue of energy saving will soon transition from theoretical discussions at conferences and symposiums to practical implementation.

Electric Drives in Industry

At many industrial sites and in public utilities, the main aggregates and mechanisms are equipped with electric drives that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. However, are the energy costs in such installations optimal?

It is necessary to note that the answer to this question is not always straightforward. The maximum potential for saving electrical energy lies with those production aggregates and mechanisms that can operate for long periods and change their productivity.

Energy Saving Devices

Such devices are used in many sectors, including agriculture, industry, and public enterprises. These include:

  • reciprocating compressors;
  • cooling tower fans;
  • fans and exhausters in boiler houses;
  • pumps.

Problems of Electric Drive

Most of the mentioned machines are equipped with asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel cage rotor. One of the problems with such motors is the high starting current, which exceeds the nominal current value in the stator by several times.

This type of electric drive does not allow for changing the rotation frequency of motors that are directly connected to the electrical network, leading to energy losses during the conversion to mechanical energy.

Development of Power Transistor Technologies

For more than ten years, there has been a development of power semiconductor technology, which has contributed to the emergence of new types of power transistors capable of switching currents up to hundreds of amps at voltages up to three kilovolts. This has enabled leading companies specializing in electrical engineering to develop new solutions.

For example, Schneider Electric introduced a multifunctional frequency converter in 2005, and in 2006, the ATV61 converter, designed for pumping and ventilation loads, was introduced. These devices allow for changing the frequency of asynchronous motors, enabling regulation of the operation of aggregates and mechanisms.

Advantages of Modern Solutions

The use of modern frequency converters eliminates the need for mechanical regulation systems and, consequently, leads to reduced energy consumption in various industrial sectors. Such a solution has become universal and opens new opportunities for energy saving in Ukraine.