Energy savings in ventilation systems

Savings through the use of frequency converters in ventilation systems in some cases lead to up to 60%, but it all depends on the type of system. This technology allows saving even in small ventilation systems

The essence of savings lies in the following For example, a supply and exhaust system is installed in the house Ventilation must be present in each of the rooms of the house, but depending on the number of people in the room, the amount of renewed air should change in direct proportion to the number of people Therefore, it turns out that during the day, when there is a minimum number of people in the house (for example, servants), the need for ventilation and air exchange in living rooms is minimal, and moderate in the kitchen and laundry. When all its residents come to the house in the evening, then, naturally, the need in the exchange of air increases significantly, but not to the maximum. If guests are received in the house, then the need for air exchange increases even more, because all rooms without exception must be ventilated. At night, on the contrary – normal air exchange is necessary only in those rooms where people rest And in rooms where there is no one, air ventilation should be underestimated

Actually, this algorithm works and frequency converters work in ventilation systems

image_alt_vfd For industrial facilities, ventilation regulation is just as important and often necessary. In the industrial sector, as a rule, a similar scheme is used, as described above for a residential building. In a continuous production process, more people stay in the workshop during the day than at night. Therefore, ventilation the system should operate at full capacity during the day, and at night, due to a decrease in the number of workers, it can operate in a more economical mode

Based on all of the above, the savings in electrical energy of such facilities, where ventilation systems with frequency converters are installed, reach 30-60%. The payback for the introduction of such ventilation systems is achieved after 1-2 years of their operation. energy savings on ventilation reached 80%, and the payback for the introduction of a variable frequency drive in the ventilation system was less than six months

Such industrial facilities with ventilation systems with frequency converters are those that were designed back in the days of the USSRFurther, the designer, when performing the necessary calculations, realized that he needed to install a fan that would provide the necessary air flow into the room. At the stage of equipment selection, it turned out that there was no required fan rating with suitable parameters, and the closest one in terms of characteristics was only 30% more powerful Thus, it turned out that there is a reserve in terms of power and productivity of 80% Considering that these were installations of 400-630 kW, the introduction of frequency converters in ventilation systems was more than justified. on electric energy, especially for large enterprises, made it possible for them to get into the tariff scale with an indicator not lower than the price per 1 kW of electricity, which brought additional cash savings

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